Introducing eRecruitment Module

The eRecruitment module is implemented to assist recruitment agents in the labour source country to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of candidate foreign worker recruitment processes. eRecruitment transforms the recruitment process into an easy-to-use, minimize administrative effort and cost-effective single online platform which encompasses the steps required in a  comprehensive management portal for recruitment agencies…

Breaking Down the Barriers: Employers Dilemma In Hiring And Managing Migrant Workers

Many developed and developing countries are experiencing large and growing levels of international migration of labour. Migrant workers were always associated with many social problems including terror threats, human trafficking, morals, labour shortage among citizens and many more. But many of our economic sectors are excessively dependent on migrant workers. The reasons are beyond questions:…

Fair Recruitment

The World Bank has stated that about 3% of the world’s populations live in a country where they were not born because of unprecedented global integration via trade, investment and knowledge flow. The gains for immigrants do not come at the expense of the host countries. Farmers in New Zealand to Mexico thrive thanks to…